When to charge the phone? Our tips on how to take care of your smartphone’s battery

In the case of phones, there are many myths about their use. Among mobile devices, one of the biggest legends is about batteries and their charging. Keep in mind that what was once said about handling batteries in smartphones doesn’t necessarily mean it’s exactly the same now. Sometimes you can find a lot of bizarre tips on the Internet, which may not necessarily turn out to be golden advice. 

How to make your phone battery last longer

The battery is a crucial component for any mobile phone, be it with Android or iOS operating system, and the fact that we use it almost all the time forces us to make sure that we always have battery life. Every user wants their smartphone’s battery to last as long as possible, and to prolong its life you need to know how to charge it properly, whether you use it.

Does dark mode on AMOLED really save battery? Checking

Recent news about the Purdue University study has sparked controversy. Does dark mode on AMOLED really save battery? Experts have argued that the dark theme does not extend battery life as well as is commonly believed. Perhaps the test results depend on the gadget and methodology used? We tested the theory ourselves: we took a smartphone with an AMOLED […]