Zuck Bucks – what’s new in cryptocurrency from Zuckerberg

Zuckerberg is not giving up on cryptocurrencies and wants to release Zuck Bucks, although the chances of winning are practically zero. First, he announced the Libra project, which was supposed to be Facebook’s own currency. However, he quickly realized that the antimonopoly offices would not allow this to happen, so he invited many companies from the financial sector to cooperate with him, which … upon hearing about the inspections, they quickly began to withdraw. 

Technological giants will start supporting small players – the European Union will see to it

Member states reached a fragile agreement on the adoption of the controversial Digital Markets Act (DMA) antitrust. Its aim is to keep technological giants in check, so that there is space for the development of smaller players as well. And while the general assumptions of the member states were in agreement, the details of the project turned out to be a moot point. We know, however, more or less the consequences of it as it is now adopted.